Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Observe the feeling

The deduction of jing-of the amount and quality of the hope that distinguished achievements than. No number is no quality, this is the general principles of philosophy, but also the author of the maturity of the only by the young. Is he right to the diligence and wisdom and persistent, every year XiaoXiaoShui nearly 200 essay creation,
 published or reproduced also have 200 article times more. According to his introduction, an average of two day creation a, sometimes as inspiration, a morning here can write 2 article manuscripts. His creation process such as hatch chicken general, every afternoon, spending more than three hours to soak in the city library reading thinking notes, is in the morning and at night, or writing online conception and south land exchange, also had to finish reading others with half an year XiaoXiaoShui of library. The brewing process, but in fact is will life experience, book, observe the feeling, thoughts as the basic elements of writing a story, to the person or plots as XiaoXiaoShui starting point,
 and the entire layout in a relatively short period of time WenBuJiaDian almost the grass. Being right in the literary world is quickly "famous", that is fast, writing fast, idea, he had published fast in 2 months to write more than 30 article to send it out. On the one hand, explained that his writing material reserve rich, on the other hand also shows that he has some quality to the creation of the potential. His writing talent, not only from his smart, diligent, but also from his love of life to level, the nature of The Times, to grasp life inside information comprehension, the wily analysis of human nature, the spirit of redemption reflection, from which he works in quality of the deduction of jing in jumped to a certain height nature.

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