Sunday, May 22, 2011

is both cruel and poet

Historical inspiration and wisdom

"Neither bossy and powerful... both apathy, is both cruel and poet 

is fighter, was a prophet is evil" MAO zedong real idol isn't, but 

autocratic, Lenin, the latter in FenShuKengRu qin shi huang in 

221 BC unify China. Kissinger writes, similarly, today's generation 

of Chinese leaders are taught from Confucius have derived 

inspiration. He said their goal is not to dominate the world but 

realize datong.

It touched on the issue. In 1971, when kissinger first visit to China, 

the U.S. economy almost five times that of China. 40 years later, 

because of deng xiaoping opened the MAO successor industrial 

revolution, China could surpass the U.S. in the next 10 years. This 

is the Soviet unreachable goals. Moreover, China is now the 

largest U.S. bonds held in overseas kingdom, and these bonds of 

Chinese 3 trillion of massive foreign exchange reserves an 

important component. China will use its new master how 

economic influence, perhaps this is our age, one of the most 

important problem. No americans than kissinger better qualified 

to answer this question, because he with generations Chinese 

leaders dealt.

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